
FCIC Multiple Peril Nursery Crop Insurance

  • Eligible Plants: All container and field grown plants are listed on the government’s Eligible Plant List for each county. The current list is available through this link:
    (click here to download)
  • Cause of Loss: Adverse weather (windstorm, flood, hail, and freeze), fire and wildlife. Insects and disease are also covered if there are no effective means of control. For some varieties of plants, cold protection is required for cold coverage.
  • Coverage Levels:
    Catastrophic Level, 27.5% (50% deductible, with losses paid at 55% thereafter)
    Buy-Up Levels, 50% - 75% (losses paid at 100% after meeting deductible)
  • Units By Plant Type: This option treats each plant group as its own nursery unit with its own deductible. If a grower has a particular plant group that is more susceptible to a peril (say cold) than other plant groups, this option is advantageous because in the event of a claim, only the deductible for that damaged plant group must be met, not the deductible for the entire nursery.
  • Peak Inventory Endorsement: This optional endorsement is designed for growers whose inventory fluctuates significantly during the year. This option permits the grower to pay the premium for higher inventory values only when the grower actually has the higher values in stock.
  • Rehabilitation Endorsement: This optional Buy-Up policy endorsement is applicable to field-grown plants only. If a grower has damaged plants, this endorsement reimburses a portion of expenditures for labor and materials for pruning and set-up, depending on coverage level.
  • Growers Price Endorsement: This optional endorsement is designed to allow growers to insure their plants at a price higher than the government’s maximum price up to their wholesale price.

The crop year begins each year on June 1 and ends May 31 of the following year. You may apply for coverage anytime during the crop year, subject to a 30 day waiting period. The crops are inspected and the nursery must meet the requirements under the policy guidelines.